TiK ToK - Ke$ha
Iata ce a declarat despre inspiratia pentru ‘Tik Tok’:
I’ll usually go out, have one fucking insane night, come home half-drunk, stumbling, and write down a few words. The next morning I’ll wake up and be like, Whoa, this story needs to be told. Like this single I have out right now, called “TiK ToK”: One morning I just woke up, and I live in this house with I-don’t-even-know-how-many roommates — it’s this Laurel Canyon house with seven rooms and roommates fluctuating monthly
She Likes Big Balls.
Ke$ha is the female voice in one of the most annoying remakes ever, yes, I’m talkin’ about “Right, Round” by Flo Rida. Luckily for us Ke$ha is doing her best to put out a single and she has released (or is about to release) this A-MAZING new track, “P.Diddy.” The name is rather ridiculous being that P.Diddy changes his name every month, but other than the name, I am LOVIN’ EVERYTHING about this song! Ke$ha herself has described her sound as”God having an orgasm” and I would totally agree with this fiery minx.
It’s basically a party anthem about brushing your teefs in the morning with Jack Daniels, now that is a true party girl! I really can’t get enough of this song, I played this song at a party on Saturday and it SO got people on the floor. After working with people like Britney (she did a background vocal for the song “Lace & Leather”) and Katy Perry (she appeared in the”I Kissed A Girl” video) Ke$ha is ready to take the pop world by storm and with this HOT track she will most definitely do just that. ENJOY!
omg dar o ador pe ke$ha :x mai ales piesa butterscotch si girls girls cea cu pitbull:x